COVID, so you decided to come at this time
We’re now facing hard times
For the economy and us it’s a sad time
I was in a taxi yesterday and my cough wanted out 19 times
People giving me bad looks for some time
This was worse than speaking dirty over Jesus’s crown
Anybody could get scared at the sight of the driver’s frown
What if I should just…No, I might get thrown out
I must say, I like how things have turned out
Me and my frenemies have made out
Me and my relatives ironed some things out
I mean, we got to chill out!
No forks and knives on each other’s throats
No praying for death on roads
This isn’t a nice virus but it got a lot of people on right routes
Even my ex-girlfriend started sending texts to my phone
She must be missing home
I swear this didn’t give me a boner
My neighbour’s dog too, no longer eats bones
It doesn’t even go out to meet other dogs
Let alone go heed girlfriend’s woes
Or late night howls
COVID, you must be a hoax
What’s really your goal?
Why’s it that a lot of change is good?
Besides the fact that you’re claiming souls
And that we’re scared to move about
You really got families to gather round
Be about each other and really bond
That’s really bold
Your maker must have been proud when you were born
Looking at you like, “I’m blessing the world with a bomb”
We no longer walk around like a mob
We have to sanitise and gear up like troops on the move
We now look like a bunch of thugs searching for houses to rob
People need to send you back though, guys sound the horn
I’m really bored
The situation is really bad