One year has gone by
When we all waved you goodbye
Ever since that day I have cried
I had so much to ask you
So much to say to you
But it was not meant to be.
School keeps me sane
But that doesn’t hide the pain
My heart bleeds in pain
As I remember your name
As I remember your smiling face
Your smiling face on your birthday
It was the last time
That I would get to be in your grace
Then the unthinkable happened
And God called you home
Ever since that day
I felt sorrow
My heart bleeds
My heart aches
I shake
My hands tremble and shake
As the song Don’t Cry
By CeCe Winans plays
I never knew I would feel this way
I never knew I would ever greet that day
That final day
When your soul flew away
Thank you dear grandma for the memories of yesteryear
Thank you for nibbling on my ear
As you knitted ferociously on the chair
I don’t know if ever I will find eternal peace
As my heart still bleeds for you
And the other grandma who left long, long ago
When I was still not even in my teens
Every day I cry
And the hurt makes me want to die
As tears stroll down my face
All I do is relive those last few moments
In my mind’s space
Another stalwart from Bonteheuwel gone
Another legend strong on the arms of God’s right arm
Another year gone
Another year without your charm
Another year without your face
Though only bittersweet moments I have pictures of you
In my place
I try not to glance at them
As they hurt me so much
If only God could take this pain away
So that I could smile honestly again
Twice a heartfelt blow
With two Grandmas gone home from Bonteheuwel
I can’t wait to see you both again
And then all the pain will be erased
I love you Ma!
R. I. P. Mildred Cecelia Siebritz