Looking for a job is a full time job. I would know because I have lost count of how many organisations I have applied to. But I know the few that have replied or just acknowledged to have received the application. The rest I’m not sure if the application was not reviewed or ignored or I just did not make the cut. I have sent samples, motivation letters and videos. I have applied for jobs that have not been advertised. Sometimes because I like the job and sometimes because I like the organisation.

I have applied for jobs I am not qualified for, under qualified for and over qualified for. I have set my academic qualifications aside and applied for jobs in fields I am “gifted” in. I have prayed, crossed my fingers, affirmed that I got this job and prepared for interviews I was never invited to. I have put my name on the CV title, put the position I am applying for in the subject line with short polite introductions in the emails I sent to recruiters.

I have been asked so many times if I have a job yet and my reply has always been the same, “It’s on its way,” because I am still optimistic. So here I am making changes to my CV. Not that I was told there is anything wrong with it, but I want to try something different. In the hope that the next time I apply for a job, things will be different and I will actually get the job.

To employers, please reply to my applications. Tell me I am not qualified, crazy or plain stupid for the job. It is a lot of work and money that goes into applying for a job. There are data costs, structuring letters, samples and videos for applications. Please call when one is shortlisted, invited to an interview or gets a job.

I may not have data to check my email every day, when I reply late I am not being unprofessional, I am simply economically disadvantaged. Also, allow applicants time to prepare for an interview, at one instance I had a phone interview on a Sunday at midday. It was a weekend, I was unaware, not prepared and I did not get the job. There is story behind every job application, mine is just one of the many. It’s a story that hopes to end in fairytale style. Not with “Happily ever after,” but with, “You are hired.”


Tell us: How hard was your application process for a job?