Dear Mr President
Our nation’s setbacks are storms that shadow our rainbow nation. The roads are as hollow as the hopes of the people. Our people are angry and hopeless. Crime looks more promising than being let down once again for a job.
Unemployment increases as job opportunities are inadequate for a wide nation like ours; it’s not enough, nor is it reassuring. The youth are discouraged by the sight of their people fighting for positions. Their ideas and inventions are of no use to a nation that lacks interest in and support for entrepreneurs.
The various initiatives the government offers to foster are ineffective and simply not loud enough. The youth are barely aware, and investors turn away from their projects at the sight of crime and corruption amongst us.
The expansion of business franchises will establish job opportunities for unemployed people, and training and supporting individuals to secure jobs will essentially decrease the unemployment rate.
The government can also encourage entrepreneurship by assisting small businesses and educating students about the importance of entrepreneurship.
Crime poses a threat to our nation. People are hopeless and desperate; they turn to criminality as an outcome of unemployment. They seek anything that’ll promise them a plate to the table, no matter the cries of the community.
Crime rates are as high as unemployment, and yet no one dares to really hear us. Strengthening the criminal justice system and investigating corrupt police officers who work alongside criminals will put an end to the concerning rates of criminality.
Crime is no exception to the extraction of basic resources such as electricity, which is led by mismanagement and corruption. Justice fails in a country that screams justice. The mismanagement of resources and poor planning are the main causes of South Africa’s energy crisis. All of this subsequently contributes to Eskom’s financial difficulties.
Adding new renewable energy to replace the nation’s problem is more effective than being stuck in an endless loop of blackouts. Shutting down poorly performing power stations and relocating the capital and resources to a new power generation infrastructure is an effective step toward making change.
Just as the government, we as the community can take accountability for making a positive change for a better tomorrow. People can turn away from criminality with the support and help of the government by offering job opportunities and training.
The government can support this initiative of change by also enlightening people about the power of behavioural therapy, which will positively change crime rates and mentally assist the community. The community can also educate themselves about possible job opportunities.
There’s power in planting seeds in someone’s plant; the community can support local entrepreneurial businesses to alleviate unemployment as entrepreneurs will seek employees when businesses expand.
There’s power in knowledge, and the people of the community can expose themselves to entrepreneurship. Individuals can also educate themselves regarding the reasoning behind social issues and ways to make a difference.
There are several setbacks that strike our nation just enough to tie it to the ground, but South Africa’s spirit of liveliness and play sheds light on the growing gloom of our nation. Our laughter and groove are almost forgetful of the issues that shadow us.
I am reminded of a rainbow; it is born out of chaotic clouds and storms, although it is blissful with multicoloured rays that resemble our people’s diversity. The chaotic clouds and storms define the nation’s setbacks that fail to destroy the liveliness of the rainbow; that is who we are.
A rainbow nation with rays from various communities that shed colour into the dark. Communities that offer a hand to help with a story to crack a smile, and communities that stick together like mine. An army of communities makes a nation—a nation that needs you to listen.