I had to put this down. The world has to know this. What makes me a good writer is that I write what I feel in the moment. Right now I am infuriated by what this world had become and some of the people living in it. Let me get to point without speaking in more senseless riddles.

“Some of the people” I’m referring to are the most obnoxious men living on this planet who do not care how many hearts they’ve broken. A typical statement calls these men trash. There are tons of things they do to deserve being called trashy, such as beating a woman as if they are a fellow male. Man, I despise that type of a badass. To the eyes of people, they appear to be goody goody, whilst they’re rotten to the core. I call that a classic facade. Abuse can be detrimental and it can smash a victim into a million pieces.

I was also a victim of GBV and luckily I managed to come out of it in one piece. Some come out of it with death. I’ve seen so many RIPs due to gender-based violence. It left me with so many scars in my soul. I have a slow death that eats me day by day, which is depression. There are also those men who are definitely inhumane. Those who rape with pleasure and blame their victim due to their dress code. Those men could be respected figures who seem noble in the community. It’s not only hooligans who sit by the corner smoking who are capable of being rapists. Then there are also those men who play with somebody’s heart who genuinely falls in love.

I’ve finally put my feelings to safety. I can’t handle more heartache. I’ve totally shut down my feelings, even for the good guys. The good guys actually do exist. My only love is writing. It’s never hurt me, instead I get hurt if I hit the soul-destroying writer’s block. If you have met this type of dude, run for your life. You can’t keep on making the same old mistakes. Be yourself, love yourself and do what you love.


For professional help and counselling call one of these numbers:
Childline: You may call the Helpline 24X7 on 116 (Free from all networks) OR you can visit the Online Counselling chatrooms (a D/deaf Friendly Service) Monday-Friday, 11am-1pm & 2-6pm to chat to a counsellor
Lifeline: 0861 322 322
Rape Crisis: 021 447 9762
SADAG (The South African Depression and Anxiety Group) 0800567567

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