My name is Luyanda. My parents gave me that name because it means something to my family.
Most people are curious about the meaning of my name. My name is Luyanda which means: ‘it is growing’. What is growing is love between my parents and love amongst my whole family. I know that it was my mother who gave me that name. I love the sound of my name, but some people do not respect my name. I don’t really care about those people because I know what it means to me and to my family.
There is this one guy called Uzzi who gave me a nickname. He calls me ‘Malala’ which means sleepy and it is true that I feel sleepy most of the time.
One day I asked my mother about the story behind my name. My mother told me about it. My grandmother, just before she died, said she needed a person who would create love for everyone in my family. That is why I was named Luyanda. It means Luyanda Uthando – love is growing. I respect myself, I respect my name. I want the same for everyone else and their families.
Thank you mom and dad for giving me this name. Thank you to my grandmother for needing a person like me to spread love in my family. Luyanda Uthando always.
This piece of writing was created as part of the WritingMe Writing Clubs with Youth Interactive, KZN. Find out more here.