His arms around her body, giggling and smiling. That changed just like seasons do.

Lisa is only 25 of age, she lives with her roommate Slindile in an apartment. They are pretty close as in they share every little detail. On a cold evening she receives a call from her boyfriend “Jim”. Jim is only 23 years old and is younger than his girlfriend.

“Hey babe, please come over, my roommate is not here.” Lisa gets ready to see her boyfriend, she looks sexy – she is wearing red lingerie and a coat on top, like in movies.

A few hours passed by and she receives a text, it was her ride. As she is getting in the car she sees a post showing her boyfriend having lunch with her best friend but it doesn’t bother her that much so she leaves it.

“Knock, knock,” she arrives at her boyfriend’s place, as she opens the door she is welcomed with sunflowers.

“You look amazing babe,” after saying those words he grabs her and starts touching her romantically which leads from one thing to another.

It is about 22:30 and she starts thinking about the post. “Babe, why didn’t you tell me you were having lunch with my friend?” She asks him. He is startled by the question, he doesn’t know what to say and brushes off the topic.

“We bumped into each other,” he says but his response isn’t sufficient. She could tell that he was lying but she didn’t want to pressure on that. Jim’s phone rings while he is in the bathroom, Lisa checks and the person calling is her friend.
“Jim!” She shouts, “Why is she calling you so late? What business do you have with her? Why…”
Before she could finish the question Jim slaps her.
“I’m tired of your whining, I’ve had enough. Not everything is about you.”
She froze, she is shocked because he promised not to lay a hand on her.
“Stay here I’m going to see what she wants.” He slams the door and locks her inside.

Jim drives to their “special place”, he is going to meet up with Slindile. “Sorry baby I got caught up with some useless stuff, I really hate making you wait,” he says.

Slindile is already irritated from waiting and is stressed out by her boss, Dilon, harassing her. “I told you I’m not in the mood. I’m stressed, tired and I hate being an option,” she says with a soft voice. Jim didn’t know what to do but he took out his wallet and gives her R10 000.

“Take the money and spoil yourself, I don’t want to lose you and I’m not ready to break up with Lisa. I still need her to get her mother’s money so that we can be rich and then we can leave her,” he says.
Lisa’s mother is entitled to 12 million rand and she has to die so that Lisa can get the money. Slindile puts a smile on her face and giggles, “I know the plan and I will be patient.” They go to the room and do their business.

Jim gets back while Lisa is fast asleep and wakes her up to apologise for his wrongdoings. She isn’t pleased about the incident at all.
“How could you …”

She is cut off by a warm hug and she drops tears of joy and they fall asleep. She wakes up to breakfast in bed and it feels great but Jim isn’t there.

He goes to Slindile’s boss and warns him that if ever he harasses her again he will regret being born and then he leaves.

Its 08:00 as Slindile goes to work, she is grasped with got a strong hold to her wrists as she is pulled into her boss’ office.

“Why are you sending people to threaten me? Do you know that I can fire you?”
She is so scared that she just nods. He locks the door and makes her make love to him. After doing so she leaves the office like nothing happened.

Lisa was all alone at her apartment and she starts to suspect that something is happening because Slindile didn’t come home but she is too scared to ask Jim again. Slindile goes to the apartment to have a lunch break and she is surprised to see Lisa there.
“A-a-a ain’t you supposed to be at Jim’s place?” She stutters.

Lisa didn’t say much, she just stabs Slindile in the heart five times and burns her body. She is so fearless when she does it and throws the evidence away.

Tell us: What are your thoughts on betrayal in friendships?