Have you ever wondered why things don’t work out for you in your life? You think of starting your own business but things don’t go the way you want. Now let’s find out where the problem is.

Remember, every situation you’re going through today are the results of the way you think.

I’m gonna ask you to take a look at yourself and answer the following questions: Is that the type of person you want to be in the future? Are those clothes the type of clothes you want to be wearing in the future? If you answered no, then why are you wearing them now?

I know you may come up with some excuses like “things are not well”, but that’s not true. Actually, you are the one making things hard for yourself. Everything you own and all the good times or hard times you’re going through are all because of how you think. That means if you want to change your life you’ve got to change the way you think, the way you see yourself and the way you feel about yourself.

“Your mind is like a garden, whether you plant something or not, but something will always germinate.”

And the same is true with your mind. If you plant something important in your mind by thinking positively and sticking to working hard toward, then you are likely to harvest something good. But if you don’t, then negative thoughts will take over you and the results will be looking the way you look like this very moment.

I’m sure you don’t want to be the person you are now, but how are you going to change it?

Simply change how you think, change how you see things and be an architect of your life.
Imagine your life as a movie and you are the director of this movie and ‘High Life’ is the title of your movie. It’s a nice movie, ain’t it?

Think of the kind of people your movie features; how do you look like in this movie? How big is the mansion you live in? What type of friends are you hanging out with? What types and how many businesses do you own?

Remember, you want your movie to be professional-like and interesting to watch. Then tell me how it feels to own a private jet and drive your dream cars? Then pause your movie.

Look at yourself now and answer this question: do you look like the way you were looking like on your movie? If not, then think of the changes you must make to live the good life nin your movie.

“Do not own a garden and let unwanted plants germinate, instead, plant something to harvest in joy.”

I wanna thank you for finding time to read this and I wanna encourage you to continue feeding your mind with important thoughts.


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