Sometimes I get upset and even disappointed when I see people not following and doing what God told them to be doing in his Holy Bible. Many people, tend to look at God’s words as if they are a joke or maybe as a newspaper. They just read the Bible just to know what is contained in the message not to understand and do the words of God. Instead, they tend to do what the word tells them to be doing, for instance, to be stealing, killing others, swearing at others, hating other people, and other negative things. They forget that God is the reason why they exist here on earth. They forget that God kept them alive, up until this day for a reason. What they don’t know is that, if they are going to read the words of God and do them accordingly, God is going to feel happy and will reward them with blessings, forgive their sins and even make them their sons and daughters. So let me tell you this, you need to do the deeds of the Lord, for you to live an eternal life and be blessed. If you don’t do God’s work, nothing will work in your life.