Bulugu, a small country on the West African coast, lies between three neighbouring countries and the Atlantic Ocean at it south. Bulugu is thirty thousands square kilometers wide with a population of three million and with high labour force.
Since the land was fertile, more than 60% of the population are farmers. They mainly produce maize and cocoa prodigiously. The country incorporates green vegetation, mountains, rivers and historical sites. Bulugu has valuable minerals, gold and diamond are nested in the land. The predominant religious denominations are Christianity, Islam and Traditionalism.
Despite democracy illuminating the twenty first century, which gives freedom and rights to people, and considers their views. In our country there is a different perspective. It remains a somber, illusive and deceptive system for us.
Bulugu, which suffered and toiled under a dictatorship, eventually embraced ‘democracy’. We were at peace and looked forward to seeing progress.
At daybreak, noise could be heard all over the town as people start their daily activities. Life has come to Bulugu and we could feel a sense of togetherness and love among us. We heatedly enjoyed the new atmosphere until the day our constitution was modified.
The parliamentarians were corrupt and with one accord the party in power modified the constitution overnight. It was modified to suit the party in power and now set no limit on the presidential term.
Confusion and chaos arose as the news spread the next day. The peaceful coexistence reigning turned into a mayhem as the news bullied us, worried and agony filled our hearts. The question – “Is this our democracy?” – ran through our minds.
We took to the streets to protest against the government but they turned a deaf ear to our objections and abruptly put an end to the protests by deploying armed forces who beat and tortured cruelly the people.
The government became power drunk as the constitution talks in its favour. The government rejected the calls for arbitration from neighbouring countries and international organizations. Life had come to a standstill – there was general insecurity.
The educational system is rigid but earns graduates no job. University graduates became taxi drivers,
robbery is intense due to high unemployment. Thanks to a high cost of living, we cannot make ends
meet nor afford daily square meal.
Fear gripped us. How we would survive? People were imprisoned unfairly and properties confiscated. The leaders of the country resorted to intimidation. Chemicals could be smelled in the air, causing outbreak of disease due to improper mining.
The national cake is only shared among a small group of people since corruption and embezzlement of national funds are at their peak. Development is low as we are led by ill-behaved leaders who can only provide us with poorly-equipped hospitals, poor roads and schools.
We could not swallow the indignation, and protested vehemently in the country as the election, our only hope, was defrauded to keep the President in power. Cries could be heard and tear gas smelled everywhere as armed forces beat and tear-gassed people.
We felt death at our doors as we saw the dim light of the sun whispering that night was falling.
“Can we see the bright light of tomorrow?” is the question that everyone asks but none can answer as life tastes uneasy in Bulugu. Our lives remain endangered in our own country.