Its cold. Raining. Windy. Stormy. I am all alone up in there looking for this, I got to find this. Looked everywhere possible, I have to find this.

It’s not a close by thing, can’t be reached easily. Some leave this world without getting a touch of it. Healing. I look carefully, under every stone possible.

Saw myself chasing tracks. Buses. Catching taxis. Having sleepless nights. With tears on my eyes, alone. My closure can wipe the tears away. I got a feeling.

I have to peel the big cloth that covers my heart away. Took all the directions given that lead to where happy soul are. Been there. Looking for mine. Just closure. Where’s this feeling that sets souls free. I have to have it.

“Hello hi,” That’s me knocking at all the closed doors. Spider webs they have. I have to move on, keep on looking. Digging. For this untouchable diamond. Gold. Platinum. That shines so bright. Makes everybody want to hold you close and tell you everything will be all right. I got to find this. Closure, closure, closure.

Have you seen it? Standing boldly. Is it me looking at the wrong places for this. Freedom. I got to find this. Somebody has to walk me through; I am looking for just my closure. Only mine that I have to find. So hard.
Please turn on the candles, somebody is getting lost, it’s unclear in here with no love. I am looking for closure, just closure.


Tell us: Why is closure important after you lose something or someone?