“This is it. This is the one!” I exclaimed excitedly as I browsed through the ORMS website.

Growing up, I was always torn between my love for writing and for film. They were like two stubborn wives in a polygamous marriage. That was before three geniuses invented You Tube and showed me I could do both. Knowing that I could script my own show or short movie. While still able to direct and share it with the world was like a career re-birth. Where all things become new and there are endless possibilities.

But for a long time, I was stuck writing on my laptop. It almost felt like a relationship in which the initial “butterflies” stage had passed. To “spice things up”, I did some TV presenting and volunteered in the media department at my church, but I still felt like something was missing.

I yearned for something deeper and to fulfil the dream, I needed a camera. For several months, I kept cut outs of different Canon cameras which I would get from the Game or Makro leaflets, inserted in the Atlantic Sun.

For four months I saved, in between paying bills, varsity fees, and my brother’s college fees. The day before I went to purchase it, I checked online to see if the price was still the same. I landed on the ORMS website and there it was, an EOS 2000D and …I had enough money!

The next morning, I remember counting the money four times to make sure it was still intact. After, I finally got into a taxi and made my way to ORMS in Gardens.

While looking at cameras, I met two salesmen- Eric and Larry who guided me throughout the whole process of the purchase, how to fit, and change lenses. Did I mention I got a student discount?

Ever since then, I have been feeling like I’m in a new relationship. I’m learning how my camera works and what I need to fine tune, what settings bring out the best in it, and how my life has greatly improved because of it. I have finally started realizing my media empire dream!

On days that I feel like the dream is taking too long, I look at it and remember that I’m already several steps ahead. I know not so many people can say they found their true inspiration but I’m happy to say I did. As with any matter concerning my heart, I knew this camera was the one, because of it, my dreams have been re-imagined and my passion awakened.

This morning as I prepared to shoot and direct the first episode for my show with a famous hotelier. I raised my cup of coffee and made a toast to my new titles – Talk Show Host, Vlogger, Director, etc.

Besides asking Canon if they would consider me to be a brand ambassador, what more can I ask for?
