The stories of our revolutionaries and leaders have paved a way for us as the younger generation to be free. Free to express ourselves through platforms that allows us to show and tell our ground-breaking stories, to redefine what history means to us, to realise what we have learned from it and how we can go about cultivating a path for the future next generation. We are inspired and motivated to play a pivotal role within our communities. This does not only ignite our minds to be woke and well aware of what is happening around us, it also challenges the idea of inspiring greatness.
I am inspired to become someone who leaves a legacy behind, to live my truth and know that I have represented my generation well through utilising my voice as an instrument for change. As a saying goes, what we do for ourselves, dies with us; what we do for the world remains and is immortal. This bold statement also motivates us to work collectively with others to make a positive impact in society, through being committed to dealing with challenges whether it be environmentally, politically or socially.
On 1 November I was challenged to think and examine my true purpose in life, the journey that I had thought had started way before I met this incredible, fierce young woman and indeed a true force to be reckoned with. It was quite a dull and gloomy morning, though my mother and I decided to continue with our daily morning routine of watering the flowers in our back garden. My younger twin brothers ran around chasing the butterflies that would sit on the pretty flowers that were growing so beautifully in our garden. Well, except for that day the butterflies were not seen by any chance. I longed for the beautiful sunrise with birds chirping around, the peacefulness in the early mornings often reminded me to just appreciate life even more and to treasure good memories by doing the things you loved the most without wasting any chance.
While at that thought I received a message from one of the non-profit organisations I usually volunteered at during the school holidays. It was confirming a meeting that was later during that day. A part of me was in a full energised spirit of attending the meeting, even though the other side felt as if I was missing something without exactly knowing what it was. While trying to think about what it was exactly that I needed to do, I asked my mother if I could attend the meeting. My mother was always overprotective when it came to her children, she asked if she could come along and support in any way. Little did I know that just by attending the meeting, I would finally reach my breakthrough at last.
When we arrived I had expected to just have a few cars parked outside the organisation, however the turnout of people was actually more than usual. We sat and right at that very second, one of the organisations representatives came with a surprising guest, Naralya King. She was one of the youngest most influential people in this country fully representing our generation. A social activist and a writer. This young lady came and highlighted important key notes throughout her conversation. She spoke about how important it was to invest your time and resources in your community through volunteering. Towards the end of her speech she mentioned one of James Baldwin’s quotes which says, “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” I realised then that the simplest thing was actually right in front of me the whole time. My ‘aha’ moment…
The piece I felt that was missing in me got completed right at that moment. I realised that every person has success within themselves and to start is to win half the battle. Every person and every genius in all history started before they could do the thing. We learn by doing and I decided to become a motivational speaker, to serve and represent my generation, use my voice as an instrument for change, to inspire change and live my truth.
Tell us: What comes to mind when the author says ‘we learn by doing’?