I was born on 13 January 1999 in Manzana village, which is under a small town called Qumbu, in the Eastern Cape. I have two half brothers and a half sister. I spent most of my happy childhood in this village swimming in the river, playing soccer and looking after my father’s livestock with other village boys. I went to Mpantaka Senior Primary School and I was both an intelligent and diligent learner.
However things changed when my mother, Ntombiyakhe Nqeto, passed away in 2009. I was her only child since all my other three siblings died in infancy. These misfortunes negatively impacted me because I sort of became an introvert and no longer had a knack in my past activities. I changed residences and schools finding it hard to make new friends.
I was a voracious reader though I read more for leisure than devoting myself in my school books. I, nevertheless, continued to impress my teachers by getting good grades. I like to spend most of my time reading or writing. Mark Twain, Zakes Mda and Chinua Achebe are among the throng of writers who immensely influenced me. In 2018, I matriculated with a bachelor pass at Finetown Secondary School while living with my father in the township of Lawley, which taught me a lot about life in Gauteng. I currently live in Cape Town, in the Western Cape province but I visit my village now and then.