Course Catalogue

Want to:
* Improve your reading and language skills?
* Grow your vocabulary?
* Expand your general knowledge?
* Earn certificates?
* Stretch your mind?

Well, you can! FunDza’s courses are based on exciting local stories, poems that explore topics ranging from slay queens to similes… What’s more – they’re FREE!

For each course you complete for which you get 50% or more on average, you will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ and – if you score more than 75% on average (unless otherwise stated for a specific course) – you’ll get a ‘Certificate of Excellence’. Download your certificate from your profile once you have successfully completed it.

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And, if you don’t want to do a course, there’s always lots to read! Check out the latest content from our home page or browse in our library!

Open course - All about adjectives and adverbs

This short, informative, interesting, helpful course is all about... adjectives and adverbs! Stretch your brain and learn more about English in this fascinating course!

Open course - All about nouns

This course is all about NOUNS - common ones, proper ones, collective ones... you name it, it's covered! Challenge your brain with these tricky objects and enjoy the learning! 16 very quizzes.

Permanent Course - Practising Comprehension 1

Practise your comprehension skills on these 6 different texts. Some are factual, some are more personal and reflective. The questions develop deep reading, increase your vocabulary, and extend your knowledge. 7 quizzes.

Permanent course: Perfect your punctuation

Brush up on your punctuation skills with this detailed and sometimes challenging course that ranges from capital letters at the beginning of sentences, full-stops at the end, and then everything in between! Also includes that tricky business of punctuating direct speech... (Certificates available for download upon successful course completion if you got above 50%.)

Permanent Course: Writing academic essays

This course, particularly aimed at tertiary students, helps you to understand and write academic essays, giving you practical tips and guidance along the way. (5 quizzes. Certificates available for download upon successful course completion if you got above 50%.)

Permanent Course: Writing good essays

There are different kinds of essays required at school, and some of the essay writing tips here will come in very useful for tertiary and work writing too. Work through this course to improve your writing in discursive, persuasive, reflective, narrative and descriptive essays, and watch your marks go up and/or your reader numbers grow! (16 quizzes. Certificates available for download upon successful course completion if you got above 50%.)

Powerful poetry

This course has a line-up of powerful poems that will stretch your mind and touch your heart. Some poems and questions are challenging - but even if you don't get all answers right, you will grow in your understanding and appreciation of these evocative poems. (2 hours)

Study Skills

This course draws on a range of very useful, well-researched techniques to help you ace any tests or exams you are facing! 45 mins.

Training: Running teen reading clubs

This course, aimed at teachers and reading group facilitators, presents both the theory and practice of why and how to get young people reading for pleasure, either in class group sessions or as part of an after-school programme. It is SACE accredited for 15 points. 2.5 hours.

Training: Running teen writing clubs

This course is aimed at teachers and any other facilitator interested in running creative writing workshops with teens. It explores effective ways of teaching writing, and then offers a practical curriculum of around 12 writing club sessions. The questions deepen understanding of the reasons behind the activities, as well as reinforcing their effective implementation.

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