5 Responses
Trafficking and theft.
Siba_ · 3 years ago
I pray that wisdom is granted to our people
Abubaker · 3 years ago
Hope these events are eye openers to some people who think they could act smart, but as they say, no one is above the law.
Jilani · 3 years ago
May people try and refrase our national anthem, 'coz it seems they have forgotten what it means. South Africa is already in a dump now we are turning it into a pigsty. The future is not promised to any of us, let's save our nation.💮
Slie Kattz · 3 years ago
Wow I wish people stop being stupid and think of our country because now we r struggling in SA and everything is falling apart 💔💔💔💔💔
Connie wabantwana · 3 years ago