
I waited, I wait for tge overwhelming pain to come but it didnt. I thought that the news would suffocate me,make me not be able to breath or maybe my heart will break a little but none of those things happened. “Yeah?”

He nods, “I met her a couple of months ago, and to be honest I have never been that happy in my entire life, not that you dont make me happy. But when I am with her I am a totally different person you know?”

I nod in agreement “I know what you mean.” He looks sheepishly on the wooden floor “I guess I’m with you because I didnt want to break your heart.”

I gave him a tight lipped smile “Go, go get your woman before you let her slip out your fingers.” He looks at me as if he is unsure of what just happened, as if he is wondering if he should be actually going. “

Go Langa.” He smiles and runs out of the door not caring that he is on his pyjamas and with only a phone and a purse in his hand.



My mind still finds it hard to believe what just happened, “I’m getting off here.” I said to the uber driver and ran to Zama’s room, she is renting in one of the housesl, I knock at the door and again and again until she opened, She looks at me like I’m crazy because I am at her doorstep at 2:48 a.m “Langa?”

I pull her in my arms and kiss her. “I choose you.” She looks at me confused “I choose you, I want to be with you?” She wraps her arms around my neck and holds me tight. She has been encoraging me to follow my heart and that if I would not be choosing her she will completely understand.

“So you came all the way here with just your pjs?”

I look down at my clothes and smile “Yeah.” She welcomed me in, we spent the rest of the night watching a movie because even though we both tried we could not sleep.