Well the truth that when I met Themba he was violent person but he never showed that to me. He cares about me especially during my weak days. The truth is he does understand when I don’t like things that he do and he understands that I am jealous girlfriend. He always appreciate having me his life. But sometimes especially when we have a simple misunderstanding, he get angry quickly. Sometimes he put his friends before me but when I talk to him about this , he apologized.

He is the first person telling me how beautiful my eyes are. What makes me happy is that I don’t have to fake anything. I want expected was to be loved the way I am and that’s what Themba always do.

I had to accept that sometimes he is ‘indoda yo mzulu ene nkani’. He always called me “my Yonge” and I would smile. Feelings started to fade away and every day we were fighting. Everything was complicated and I left without saying anything because I couldn’t take it anymore. By that time I saw Themba hangout with girl. Seeing them it felt like he was cheating on me and I had to accept that he moved on. I decided to focus on myself.

Later I realised that I still have feelings for him and I couldn’t control this feelings that I have for him, I thought maybe dating with someone will make this feelings to fade away but I lied to myself. My eyes were always concentrating on him and my friend never judge me. I missed his company and started to regret why I left with him knowing that I love him. I felt lonely. One day we were chatting over the phone where by he told me that he still love me and he tried to move on but he couldn’t. I was happy and we managed to talk and try again but things were no longer the same. We lost lot of things and we no longer communicate like we used to , those long conversations , writing poems for each other. I blamed myself for this but on the other hand I understand why I decided to leave him. It’s hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart love that person.

It’s funny that we are different almost in everything including beliefs, but because love always stay strong, now he plays the biggest part in my life, next month on August it is our First year anniversary since last year. Our love is stronger than on those days that we met each. Rolls now he is failing to accept that I am inlove with someone