Emily felt herself surrounded by the hooting of owls, as the moon rose amongst the evening’s darkness. She stood at the patio of her new abode while inhaling the loneliness of the cold winters evening. Her gaze fell onto murky pool water, as she tried to regain her lost memories. What was calling her to the water?. She swiftly switched her gaze away from the water and drew the curtains.
For the tenth time, She called her husband’s cellphone but as before there was no answer. Her anxiety had begun to accelerate, and the paralysis in her legs had begun to flare up.
“Be calm Emily,” she murmured to herself.
“Jimmy always does this. He’s always late,” she consoled herself with meaningless words, that held no weight in action. She tried to calm her nerves by preparing dinner.
Cooking was one of her famous talents, she could slice and dice, all day long. She sliced the carrots, into perfect round cubes, while she adorned the table with her best cloth and porcelain. She then centered a plate of his favourite Quail, along with his favourite coffee as she eagerly awaited his arrival. The hours and minutes of the night went by swiftly, while Jimmy’s spot remained vacant. Frustrated and ignored, she slowly contemplated and grabbed ahold of the chef’s knife.
She lifted the sleeves of her dress, on her wrists she noticed deep long scars.
“Where did these scars on my come from? Why can’t I remember anything?” cried Emily. Her conscience kicked in. “I won’t do this again. I can’t do it again.”
Her cellphone rang and disturbed her concentration.
“Hello…” answered Emily in a soft tone.
“Emily, It’s me, Melissa.” I’m just calling to find out if you are okay?. Have you arrived at the house?.”
“Oh. Hi,”replied Emily whilst wiping away the tears from her face, she then threw the knife to the ground.
“Are…you…okay?” asked Melissa.
Emily inhaled a deep breath and replied “Yes, I’m…okay.”
There was a long silence on the other side of the line until Melissa eventually said, “I know the loss has been hard on you but if you ever need something or a shoulder. I guess what I’m trying to say, is that I’m here for you. If you need me.”
“Thank you but I will be fine. I have to go, bye.” Emily hung up the phone.
She then slowly made her way up to the bedroom, as she realised her husband wasn’t coming home… tonight.