She grabbed the lunchbox of sandwiches and her bag and stormed out ,avoidng to get deeper in the conservation with her mother. As soon Malvim saw her coming closer the gate,,he alighted from the car. He didn’t know how to apologize, no words came out but Nancy smiled then changed her facial expressions. He looked down as of he was embarrassed by something. Nancy saw his remorse expression all over his face in his crumbled t-shirt.
” Stop embarrassing me please…. Can we do it later? Maybe you can pologize properly,”she suggested sincerely then harshly. Part if her felt relieved and other part was disappointed. Her heart flattered but she wanted to act tough.
” Okay,” his sadness seemed to fade on him. He smile slightly.
” Later then,” he added.
” Please go home and bath and rest. I will call you later ,” she pointed at her and looked back at the house ,she felt her instinct telling her there prying eyes . Her mother had been watching her through the window.
He nodded shyly and jumped in the car. She watched him speed off and she rushed to the nursery school. She jumped playful as she walked like a child that had won a favorite toy at a game show.Sudeenly she stopped when she remembered Malvin could go back to his ways again. She was walking on thin ice,she wondered why she was happy . She looked at her phone screen but no message or call from Richard.
” Why do I need a message from him?” she sighed and smacked her face softly to wake herself from a silly dream.
” Oh… I don’t love him. I wanted him to love me. He is a chancer I guess,” she muttered through her breath not noticing Principal and Monalisa behind her.
” Talking to yourself helps,” the Principal spoke as if she was mocking her .
Monalisa chuckled and entered the classroom leaving the two glancing at each other quietly. Nancy was shy but she was waiting for the principal to scold her.
” There was a chance that I loved and I gave up on life. My heart couldn’t take itn anymore. You are young but love is scarce but if one love you ,take it,grab it or you will never find another. If a man wrong you,forgive if he loves you …… You never know,” she spoke calmly and sincerely. The principal shrugged her shoulders.
” Love is beautiful but never smooth,it has it’s up and downs and its either you gain or lose”
Nancy was surprised because at first she thought Principal was objecting to love but now she sounded different and gave her a nice advice. She smiled and Principal brushed her shoulder softly and walked away. She licked her lips again and race to class. She knew what she had to do next. Malvin was the right man even though he had hurt her.
Richard never occurred to make her feel the way Malvin did . She smiled as she led the children to the bus . She was jovial and overwhelmed with the kids during the activities at the park. There were challenges for kids like carrying a egg with a spoon ,rope pulling ,arm wrestling and joined feet race. It was a joyful day that the children would never forget it.
She scared her sandwiches among the children and they shared their ice creams with her.Her happiness made the atmosphere smell like red roses.
” Miss Nancy ,won’t you tell us a story please?”
The children gather around her and sit down on the green grass, others were still licking ice creams and few wiping the ice cream on their dress. She chuckled to the messy children . When she thought of Malvin sleeping in the car just to reconcile,it put her in a good mood. She grinned gleamly.
” Aren’t you tired? I ‘m tired ,”she mumbled and sat on a rock.
” Please,” a girl with a ponytail said pleadingly.
” Please,” the children said simultaneously.
Their eyes were like of kitten waiting for a warm and soft rub. She sympathatized with herself and gave in. Who would say no to such adorable kids ?
” Once upon a time there was a princess and a frog….”
” Okay… Promise me that after we are heading back to school,” she stood up and pointed a finger making a deal with them. The kids nodded simultaneously.
It was a hot sunny day and she felt her t-shirt stained with dripping sweat . The children waited in the playground for parents while Nancy headed to the classroom. A bunch of roses was on her table with a note
Don’t forget dinner !
There was a package near it, a dress was in it for the event. She clung the dress on the cheat and whirled around joyful.
‘ Finally, our love is back’