Love does exist but it need a strong heart. If you want to be Ina relationship enter with your legs and protect your heart.Don’t love too much until you sure the guy loves you the same as you do. Love can be a fairy tale or inexistence if you been hurt before but learn to patient. Love has flaws and you need to be inconsistent and compromise for it to work.

She glance at her phone while reading on ‘ Steve Talk’, on facebook. he was a counsellor on relationships and he mentored couples. She wondered if the teachings were true because she had started not to believe in love. Her two years of relationship with Malvin were bad and had her heart pierced over and again . Her heart was sinking in a deep sea and she felt the world swallow her. She felt dead inside.

The alarm rang and she panicked,she thought it was a call until she picked the phone up. The phone had been snoozing and the time was 7:30am. She quickly shove the blankets off and jumped in the shower. She was going to be late and she didn’t want to get fired since she now lost her love of her life. She couldn’t lose her job too.

She had no time to brush her teeth and spray her cologne but shove the toothbrush ,cologue and toothpaste in her handbag. Her mother had dished for her oat porridge which was on the table but she grabbed a green apple and raced to school. Her heart was pounding with terror that could happen. Her heart was like a bomb waiting to explode .

She leaned on the door of her class,panting while taking a breath and the toodlers jumped up on their feets when they saw her.

” Good morning Miss Nancy,” they said in chorus simultaneously.

She nodded and gestured for them to sit down and that she would return in a moment. She rushed to the bathroom and wash her teeth and sprayed the Cologne on her armpits and on her floral dress . She looked at mirror in thoughts and she snorted . She noticed her face was ghostly pale with teary eyes.

” Its unlike of you to be late,” a voice spoke behind her and Nancy noticed it was the principal.

” Sorry,I will…” she said and the principal interrupted her when she gestured with hand to stop talking.

Nancy’s blood raced hoping the worst wouldn’t happen.Her blood boiled and raced like a shooting star. 

” I see something bothering you,I can help if you talk,” she drew near and washed her hands beside her but Nancy glanced at her in confusion but she hide her eyes by looking sideways.

Her heart would stop racing . The principal lifted her eyebrows up and if she was asking what was bothering her. She titled her head and looked at Nancy’s eyes who shyly looked at the floor.

” I don’t want to bother you…. But… I just found out my boyfriend is cheating with my cousin,” she spoke ,swallowed and tears trickled in her eyes but wouldn’t come out..

” You have to know love doesn’t exist. Love is just a fairy tale. Remember man are man you get hurt or burned . Be careful ,focus on you and not love because love will not take you anyway but grill you,” she said and pointed at her with her thin finger with threatening eyes.

” Now get back to work ,” she smiled and walked out through the door.

Nancy wondered why she had said that but it was clear the principal had been hurt and had not ever fallen in love again. She chuckled ,it seemed funny to her . She glanced at the mirror and wondered if her bodyhad changed maybe Malvin was no longer attracted to it. She looked the same as she was before. She glanced at her face on the mirror,though she was not that beautiful but had some beauty,it was still there. She wondered what went wrong. Maybe Malvin never loved her since day one and was using her.

She walked back to her class but she was distracted with negative thoughts even the children noticed that today was a different day . The kids were not naggy and noisy as usual in the class ,they knew today that they were not going to burst in raucous laughter. When Nancy read the book of Aladdin ,she was not playfully or do any calculated jokes,the toddlers just sat up steady not wanting to upset her further.The classroom was deadly quiet even Principal noticed it as she passed it when she was strolling around,she because!e concerned.The day was so fast that the bell rang and she raced out quickly leaving the kids alone .

The kids had to wait for parents with no teacher in the class which was unusual. Principal and Precious came to check on her but she had vanished in the air. It was as if she was gasping for air ,the school was suffocating her and she needed a breath of air.

Nancy wandered down the streets ,it was as if she knew were she was going but her feet led her to nowhere. Her heart was thundering ,threatening yo burst off her chest. Her mind was absent and ears were deaf and her eyes were only seeing magically her own world. The sun vanished in the horizon in her a sense.

” What a beautiful girl doing out at this time of night,” a voice spoke but she didn’t respond but stand like a statue.

” Are you okay?”,the voice spoke and touched her hand.

Reality came back when she felt a familiar touch and voice prancing through her skin.

” I’m Richard,”