
I pushed while I take deep breaths like how they suggested on those tutorials.

I dug my nails on my skin as I pushed, with tears stinging my eyes I push with the last strength that is left on me; thats when I felt the baby come out. With worry I lift up the baby, there was no cries no nothing.

“Just pray it’s dead.” My mother says as she gulps down her black label.

I hit the baby’s hand, not realising that I have been holding my breath all this time and that’s when I hear her cry, I close my eyes and thanked God with tears streaming down my cheeks.

“Hey,” I say softly as I wipe my tears. “Hey you beautiful baby.” She looks at me with her big brown eyes no longer crying. I look at her curly hair and tiny lips and hands and smile. I have never felt so complete before.

With my other hand I take the phone and dial the ambulance number.