I have four connections? Omygaaahd . I browse through the first one , some over achieving Nigerian Muhammad who lives in Joburg who is an engineer. Looking for a second wife who is embedded in the Deen . Deen is the proper practice of the Islamic faith . I have no plans of being a second wife . I was watching a Tanzanian Muslima cry her lungs out on ytube . Her husband took another wife behind her back . She was really trying to make sense of the pain and even invited the sister wife to the channel. Cringe . I ignore Muhammad.

The next suitor is a Somali multi millionaire who owns a string of shops here in SA. Mahmoud Hirsi . He is looking for a third wife – must be South African . Hmm. I scroll to the third one and its none other than Farouk Zulu , the most delusional human on the whole planet . Why would he even try ? Again? Ughhhhh. This thing won’t work so I logout and watch my favourite Muslim youtubers . I need to know what kind of lipstick Shahd Batal is trying out today and what outfits can I copy from her . I am in need of a shopping spree so I quicky forget about the site as I anticipate a weekend at the mall . Mmm.