Chichi looked at the ceiling. The room was dark for her because her curtains had been closed for days. The streetlights were off during the night.The sky was black as night.She wanted to think through on her next step of decision to make. She was the only human left on her earth. Her landlady with her sons had been hit by the zombie virus, that was how she saw it.

” God, why?” she wringles her legs on bed and scoffed. She looked at the window and visualized coming home from work to her mother’s tripe that reached her nose while she was on the corner of the street. Her landlady’s aroma of crisp scones swept in the air like dust.

” Maybe I must be a alien too and be like them,” she whispered with her finger pointing up as if she was choosing the best option.

She realized the room was getting darker and darker. She checked the time and it was 9:23am. The sun was suppose to be up. She rushed to the window and peered through the side of the curtain. There was a big black shining object in the sky.

” What the hell?” she panicked and she didn’t realize two of her neighbors had seen her. Her heart was pounding and she closed the curtain. The aliens had taken over the earth.

‘ Its either I die or be them?’ she thought.

Suddenly a echo of a someone yelling came through her ears . She tweaked through the window again peered. She saw people coming through her gate. There was a blue figure in front. She wondered what was happening.

” Get her or kill her,” a voice shouted .

” Ma ,your daughter is the only one left,is she in?” Another voice quered and sounded coming from behind the door.

” I think so,” a voice she recognized as her mother’s.

“Why didn’t you tell us ” the first voice sounded angry.

” You must get her or we kill her,” voices were on high note shouting through the door. The voices had hatred in it.

Chichi sat behind the chest drawer with her blood racing and body shivering. She was terrified that they would kill her . She didn’t want to die. Death was too scary to her,she didn’t know what happened when one day her soul flee her body but she believed death was painful. Everything was vague to her. Humans were bit scary in a dreadful way.

” Let’s get her”

” Let’s wait for Dong”

” She deserve to die”

” You have been hiding you daughter”

” Her mother is gone ,I aren’t her mother. I ‘m Vinny,” her mother protested.

” Silence,” a voice of a male which was hoarse sounded louder and furious.

Chichi wondered where she had that voice . She was sure she have heard the voice somewhere. She remembered the first day she saw the UFO. The aliens who took MmΓ  Masila and her grandson. The blue alien who suspected to be the leader had that voice.

” Everyone leave,” the voice ordered. The alien had a look that could tell something sinister in his mind and his sight was set for a high prize. There was a grin on it’s face . It was first time seeing a alien smile, she wondered.

The commotion was less noiser and she could hear footsteps furthering away.

” Vinny,” the voice sounded again.

” Yes,” her mother responded.

Chichi wondered why her mother’s name was Vinny ,she forget the woman was not her mother anymore but a strange creature. Her constantly mind jumped to conclusion.

” She will make her own choice,we will let her be until tomorrow or…….,” the voice warmed.

She wondered what the warning was for. She was worried what the aliens would do. Footsteps were heard furthering away. She acknowledged aliens manipulated human brain so they will have a ‘ yes’ option ,that was how it won human. She knew she had to decide now or she die. She rushed through the door. The blue figure being was walking away.

” I will do it…. Change me ,” she blurted out and the alien ‘s drifted back at her with it’s dark black eyes,color of coal full of anger and heat.She knew she was dancing to the devil tune but there was no other option but her soul was heavier.There was a mimicking on its face and she wondered what it was doing. The alien was was trying to catch her when her guard down to bite her. The alien had a shell shocked look on its face.

” Finally,” the alien said and clapped its hands with big nails like chicken feet. It grinned from its hole ear to another. She saw hate in its eyes and she had a withering look. Her body whimpered without making sound.

She looked at her mother who looked unconcerned and loveless,sorrow had already stepped in and sadness rushed in her life through her mind. She was even avoiding looking at her. The alien drew closer and smiled devilishly with a dead gaze. She felt numb as the alien drew closer to her bbodyThe alien stared at her,tilting it’s head,sizing her . She was shaking from the ordeal. It’s long fingers spread on her face as if it was ready to take her soul away. A magnetic feeling passed through her body as she remembered her mother ‘s love and the joy they had together. Memories of her throwing herself in her mother’s arms seemed to fade. Universe was constantly swalowing her. Her heart and soul runs dry as tears trickled down her face as her head looked upwards and she floated.

There was a ray of sunlight upon then and in a flash it turned to sadness. She felt like she had fallen in a deep pit of darkness. Her power drained away from her body. Something took over her body and her soul had been erased. She fell down on the ground in a sudden deep sleep,

” Wellos get up and get to work,” a voice shouted and she jumped up on her feet like a servant obeying a master..

” We have a new world you will take care of construction. We are going to build new satellite so we can communicate with our gang and bring them here,” a big green alien spoke as a command.

” Yes ,sir”

” Its now our world ,we rule,” the green alien grinned creepy.

Chichi blinked her eyes testing the human body well and saw it was adjusting to the control because she was in her human form unlike the leader who was a alien. They didn’t have eyelids llike humans only sleep at bedtime. Chichi rushed to her station as if she already knew what she was doing.

” Bwos ,do you trust her?” asked another blue alien while watching her carefully.

” Yes,she is intelligent. I trust she will,” he replied.

” She was the most stubborn girl,” the alien scoffed.

” But she is brave,” Bwos spoke and headed off while the blue alien watched Chichi carefully. It always had feud with Wellos before.

There was a new world .All those with good intelligent were used in foreseeing the new world while the rest like Chichi’ s mother were used to be the eyes and ears around homes checking if there was no human left and given jobs like teaching young aliens how to use their powers. It meant the aliens came to take both the gift and talents of human than their bodies. The blue alien didn’t like that Wellos was given a highly big job .