” You were looking like what Masi was like,” she spoke loudly and boldly.

Chichi looked at her friend confused wondering what she was insinuating.

” Who is Masi?” She asked curiously but her eyes were glued on the glass that showed a couple passing by from outside the shop. Chichi sighed hoping it was not what she suspected.

” That girl who stays two house down the road,” she replied and clapped her hands once as if it was too much for her.

Chichi and Patie sat at the back of Fast Food having lunch while two other of their workmates were taking orders and serving while they had to rest for a hour. They had cooked plenty of chips and chicken which was a lot of customer’s favorites so that they could just serve while Chichi and Patoe took a break.
Chichi remembered who was Masi . She was a girl who always had a Mohawk hair style. Recently she had colored her hair ginger . Masi wore black lipstick,and wore black like a goth. She had no friends or family. No one knew where she worked but she was always up and down the street like a hustler and at the end of day she always brought something home..

“Tell me what were saying? I am not a Goth,” shei sighed and stamped her one feet ,annoyed.

” I know. But I meant when you were standing there I thought they aliens took you too,” she replied and touched her thigh to assure he.

” I saw a strange light but it was showing from down there to the sky ,” she pointed in the direction whispering.

” Serious? So its not only me who saw what is happening at night,” she touched her chest and felt relieved.

” What did you see?” Patie asked curiously.

Chichi scanned the side and whispered,” I saw the spaceship and Mmà Ma….”

The supervisor appears and they quickly closed their lunch box so they return to their posts. The sun burned away the gloomy thought when she sensed their superior behind them.

” If I didn’t come would you have known your lunch break is over,” he gasped and shook his head irritated and he clicked his tongue twice with a threatening eye..
Patie couldn’t concentrate on work but kept looking in Chichi’s direction hoping they could finish their discussion they had earlier. The supervisor was checking on them every minute ,waiting for them to make a mistake . The workers were used to it but he had never find anything,at the end of day he applaud the workers They assumed he had anger issues he wanted to throw tantrums on them for no reason. They workers suspected he was having problems in his marriage, his wife once came and made a embarrassing scene by calling him a idiot in public.

” You did well today….Next week it will be monthend,I expect you to work longer hours. Go home ,I will lock,” he spoke to him and they quickly removed aprons and hats and packed them in a locker. Patient was eyeing Chichi ,hopingg she wouldn’t vanish in the thin air like she always did.

” Now tell me ! What were you saying earlier,” she whispered in her ears as they walked out through the door.

” I think the aliens ate Mmà masila and Tim because the aliens vanished and left the photocopy of them,” she whispered as she stood on the threshold.

They didn’t notice the supervisor eavesdropping behind them. It was unlike him because he was always a serious man who tolerated no nonsense.
” I don’t think they ate them but they went in their bodies,” Patie sighed and realized the supervisor was behind them. She tried to warn Chichi with face scorning to no success.

” Just like the movie…. We have to warn everyone,can’t … Oh supervisor,” her voice was confident then shaky when she notices the supervisor. She was dumbfounded but Patie covered her face with her hand.

” My wife is acting strange … Do you think the aliens invaded her body?” he sounded sad.

” What are we going to do?” she asked and looked at them both. Patie shook her head in dismal. All the three of them were confused and flustered.

” We have to alert everyone before they make us zombies …. What if we become like zombies? We have to be careful,” Chichi spoke raising her finger as if she was thinking.

” No! We can’t ! What if they attack us because I think everyone is a zombie now ?,” Patie asked worriedly.

” No, I think this is the beginning”

The supervisor locked the door sadly,he had no hope left in him. His wife would do usual things and speak like a robot . They walked in the street quietly.Suddenly a big light appeared in the sky,it was the same object Chichi saw and she pinched Patie’s arm and both of looked horrified. The birds were flying above round and roundas if they had no place to land and be safe. The night was moonless dark and the object flew away,they both looked at each other in confusion as they hide behind a tree.
” You have to keep away from your wife ,” Chichi whispered in the supervisor’s ears and they headed home in different ways .
Chichi now understood why the supervisor was hard on them ,he seemed a nice kind man . She smiled as she headed inside the gate of her home.