ove is a two way street

Sequence of FORTNIGHT WITH LEE JOON (Chang-sun)


” Stop please…. i will pee on myself,” she shouted.

He covered himself with a floral purple duvet and jumped on top of her.There were no dull moments between them.They kept their love alive like a blossoming flower that never dries. Did it exist? No wonder true love doesn’t exist.

” You want to suffocate me? Chang ….. Stop it…. Chang,”he tickled around her waist with his fingers.

One would suspect it was a cat and dog fighting under a duvet.She couldn’t contain herself and laughed hysterically. There was banging on the door which interrupted them. The laughing stopped, Chichi sighed that no one was happy for them.

” Brother ( korean),”a feminine voice called out and the banging continued.

He put his finger on a lips, gesturing her to be silent.  She opened her mouth and mimicked without making sound but he shook his head, wrinkling his forehead in anger.

” Brother, I heard you…..Open the door!” the voice sounded angry.

” It’s my sister ,” he jum his eyes to her and whispered. 

” You better hide and don’t make noise”

Chichi panicked and quickly grabbed her grey skinny and blue top from the floor. In her mind it was wrong to hide but she walked slowly while naked promising to wear in her hiding place.

‘ Why must I hide?’

” Stay there, ” he gestured with his hand to keep quiet by pointing his finger on lips.

She ran to the bathroom and turned, realizing her bra and pant were left and quickly grabbed the towel and covered in front of her while she sneakly grab her undies. She didn’t hear the footsteps were close.

” Who is this?” a tall woman with her wider cat eyes appeared wearing all white.

Chang-Sun rolled his eyes as if he was defeated. Chichi stood like a statue for a moment. She quickly wrapped the towel tightly. There was deadly silence and the woman sized her with her eyes .

” Chang … you date a black woman or she is a prositute. You have gone back to your ways. It’s a taboo to date Africans,”her voice sounded like she criticized but full of hatred.

Chichi couldn’t believe it because Chang had said he had fallen in love with her. He couldn’t even defend her or stand for her. Tears trickled in her eyes and she rushed to the bathroom. She leaned on the door and sobbed.

” She must go,” the woman shouted.

“Sis.. please do not be cruel, ” he sounded hopeless.

Footsteps were heard back and fro and Chichi quickly dressed in her clothes.  There was silent in the room and she graced herself back in the bedroom. Chang-Sun was sitting on the bed, his eyes on the floor with embarrassment.

“So I am a bug and nobody that embarrass you,” she whispered to herself.

She took out her monach from a and packed all her clothes , hoping he would persuade her to stay but he looked like he was powerless. Their love was for them but looked like his sister controlled him. The love was fake and that made her heart sink . She grabbed the bags and he stood in front of her.

” I’m sorry,”he sounded hurting.

Chichi didn’t feel it was enough.

” What the girl still doing in there? Chang….let her go. How can you embrass our parents like that? There are many pretty girls here in Seoul,” the sister shouted.

“Baby…. I love you! Don’ t go, ” he persuaded but she stormed out.

She didn’t know where to go and she saw the sister frowning and disgrading her with her lips . She rushed until she had no strength and sat on a bench that was for passengers for a bus. She cried loudly and drew attention to by-passers.There was roar of thunder and in a second the sky was filled with dark clouds and rain poured. 

Chichi didn’t feel the cold water running on her body except the pain that was a knife on her heart. She cried and held her bags tightly.The rain was for a hour but she didn’t even move. All what was on her thoughts was that Chang-Sun had promised he would look after her.He wanted them to get married and have kids. And here she was alone. He also promised she wouldn’t stay in hotels and help her financially.His promises were not in vain but useless.

” What happened to your promises?” she punched her thigh.

Suddenly the sun appeared in the sky and she came to her senses that she was wet. Her body was heavy because her clothes were wet. She dragged her bag to wherever her feet took her. She was relieved to see a motel nearby. She couldn’t afford a hotel. She left wet footprints on the floor as she entered the motel.

” I need a room please,” she sighed and looked down in embarrassment. 

” Butler … take her to room 18, ” a short, bald, chubby man smiled and gave the key to a tall young man in black suit.

Chichi didn’t look up because she was ashamed. The butler helped carry her bags .

“Kamsahamnida( Thank you),” she bowed her head.

The butler wouldn’t leave and she knew he wanted a tip. She searched through her pockets and found a 100 and a 20 dollar. She slipped her hand in another pocket and saw a ten dollar and gave him. He bowed and smile before slamming the door shut behind her.