Take me home, taxi man.

It is my time to go home.

Be cautious with my baggage.

There are alms and goods in there for my wife

and children whom I have long seen.

Hit the gear, taxi man.

Time is not on my side.

Been working all year in another country.

Been missing my home country.

The vast green land, overflowing rivers and the

fresh village air.

Can you go a little faster, taxi man?

I can’t wait to have my wife in my arms

and give her some love.

Or see my little angel daughter.

She must have grown so much.

Drive, taxi man!

My son needs me.

He is turning into a man soon.

My fatherly duties are calling out to me.

I need to teach him what manhood is all about.

Step on it, taxi man.

Oh, my ailing mother.

May God keep her alive until I arrive.

Because all that I am, I owe it to her. Everything.

Steer that wheel, taxi man.

I know it’s a long journey from South Africa to


Excuse me if I sleep in your car.

You’ll wake me up when we have arrived.

Take me home, taxi man.

It is my time to go home.

Make sure I arrive and in one piece.

My family needs me.

It’s been too long.