It started when I was a child

Having wishes to be a better person

I’m coming from a better home

I wasn’t born with a silver spoon

In life, there is much rejection

Even saying I don’t mean to be successful

Feeling ashamed of yourself

Everything begins to change

It changes like something is moving

Feelings like you don’t even deserve the life you have given

Get chances, but those chances become useless

Tears drop like a waterfall

Even say the world is against me

Life doesn’t come with instructions

No map will also show you the way

In life, you must learn to survive

Life gives tests each and every day

Testing how strong you are

Not everyone is vital.

Some don’t know how to handle the pressure

They take their own life

Others get successful at a young age

Others get successful when they reach old age

Don’t be shamed about your age

Don’t give up on your dreams

Why the change?

saying will I be successful

What makes you different?

Because at a young age, you want to be successful

Today I say to you

Don’t let the situation get in the middle of you and your dreams

You are the creator of your empire

Why throw everything away?

Excuses don’t get you anywhere.

Everything has options

Sit down and write down your dreams



Make a move