My mind says keep em
Myheart is at time deliberately splitting them out.
Now every part of bonds the soul, my spirit, my body wants them out pouring out like rainfall.
I have no trusted bonds
With those that are here to know whats going on
Eating me boldly
Leaving me cold
My silence comes from secrets
Disrespecting my way of being
As I think to myself
“Learn to walk by yourself”
Yet these secrets releasing bombs
Collapsing visions, revealing doom
My mind a small room full of people, shall I tell my secrets to whom.
Suffering more
While my mind sings in a deadly tone
“Keep these thoughts
Hide this burst
Enclose this force”
Feeling Im loosing the war of trying to find hidden doors.
For if it was just doors
Any one could’ve had keys
Anyone could’ve just broken down every door
These are hidden beyond
Even beyond the land of the lost
Here the mind functions no more.
Exploding in my psych
Eating my memories
Destroying my morality
Just what are secrets when imbedded within a Man?
My imagination says boldly
“Secrets are what came as an Angel to protect me, but bare malicious intentions(boom!!!)
A dark Serpent of destruction
Leaving dreads in its path”.
Secrets we keep em, I keep em
But they continue to move with a heavy wave, swiping me of the ground I stood on, changing my character to a beast though
That is not welcomed in heaven doors.