When my mind is hot, I write a poem

to make it cool.

Poetry set me free so I can fly free

to where the birds of the air fears no

Take me far from the

wilderness of confusion, and from

the land of misinterpretation.

Set my mind free, so I can fly free above

the highest firmaments filled with

harmony and peace.

Ponder the inner I to the places where

harm is restricted nor been seen at anytime.

Poetry rescue me from the depths of the

waters and mental slavery, let me swim

freely deep within the oceans of peace,

that are strengthened with love.

Seek me through the islands of joy, as

you’re the source of my happiness.

Set me free from the land of the living,

and play for me the string quartet’s and

the bamboo flutes, so I can rejoice to the

rhythm of your sounds during my meditation.

Take me higher than the mount Everest,

and make me recite forth the hidden

unity poems for my generation.

Poetry set me free, so I can fly freely

in the midst of peace through pieces

of my portions in motion so I can leave

the broken heart’s happy.

Oh yes when my mind is hot, I write

a poem to make it cool with possibilities

to give birth to prosperity.