Take my head close to your beautiful breasts,
Because that where I feel safe,
Safe from all anxious and terrific dreams I encounter daily.
Take my head close to your chest,
That’s where I can finally hear the beating of your heart,
Where I find peace of harmony.
Take my head close to your chest,
As it feels safe and warming for me to fall asleep, without shedding a tear.
Take my head close and closer
As I feel all my fears and anxieties fall out,
That’s where I feel no voices of judgement from the world.
Cup my chin ,look me right through my eyes
Because it feels so right in the moment, just being in another world without being disturbed.
Brush my hair, play with it again and again,
It feels so right, with no one to expect me to be matured forgetting about what I want.
Kiss my forehead, again and again
That’s love language makes me believe one day will be strong like mountain of Zion, which even wind couldn’t break it apart.
Let your tiny hands, explore my face,
As it feels good, even when I Shedd tears of joy
It will be there to wipe them away.
Give me huge hug, even when i didn’t ask for it,
As it feels safe inside your warm hands,
That’s love language I love the most.