Little things do matter
they make a broken soul sing songs of thanksgiving they make a broken soul start breathing
and dreaming again. Little things do matter it doesn’t matter the weather they keep the broken soul awake
connecting the broken bond between the broken soul and the creator bringing the light that shines bright
in that soul’s future renewing the strength of a dreamer.

Little things do matter
Never lose hope fight back its those little things
that make things better. it’s those little things
that shape you. it’s those little things
that help you grow and keep trolling. do it for you
stay true to yourself be the person that you keep that uniqueness god is the witness
he knows your strength and weakness.

Little things do matter
Don’t live with hate for it delays and blocks your ways
Learn to forgive and make peace with yourself
Set yourself free from every grief find relief
Little things do matter its okay to take a moment
and work on yourself it’s okay to take a moment
and discover what you are what you want to work on
and do it. a journey of a dreamer never ends
take a lead keep planting that seed
in time your effort will be in recognition
just don’t give up being in action.

Little things do matter
Wake up to do better. Wake up to climb the leather
Wake up to go further Little things do matter
It’s okay to take those baby steps as long you keep going it’s okay to take those baby steps
as long you keep pushing.

Little things do matter
Let me tell you something with those little steps you take you are making a huge difference
You are making a change somewhere
You are changing a life out there. Little things do matter whenever you feel like you did nothing
Know you doing something great don’t take that out in your mind don’t take that out in your heart
always remember you were born with something special keep that as a vitamin that boosts your system.

Little things do matter.
be in battle with the negative for it brings no progress
for it drives many in fear for it drains energy and passion remember a negative mind
will never help you grow but destroy you.
Be in peace with positivity for it brings maturity
confident and flexible it will take you to places
pay more attention to the positive side
other than the negative. a dreamer never quit
little things do matter and stay positive.
By A.ngozi.