I know you can’t take it anymore
I know it’s hurts
Your whole life has been torn apart
You call out my name everyday
Wishing I was there with you
My love I am gone now
Gone to a better place
Where my soul is at peace
I need you to be strong
Wipe away your tears
You got your whole life ahead
You have a future to look forward too
Follow your dreams
Fulfill your God given purpose
I know life will never be the same without me
I know it’s hurts
Your heart can’t take it anymore
But know I’m in a better place
Where peace rains
I’m watching over you
For now live your life
Keep my name alive in your heart
Keep our memories alive
Whenever you feel like you can’t take it anymore
Call out unto the Lord and He will be your comforter
He will strengthen you
And you will find peace
Just know
I’m at peace now
My soul is resting in the Lord
Until we meet again