How do you sleep at night?

When his mother lies awake wondering if he’s safe?

When he’s galavanting at night because your tik gives him insomnia?

When people are robbed off their possessions by the addict of your tik?

How do you do it?

How do you eat your delicious meals?

When it’s hard for his mother to swallow food because she’s too worried?

When he can’t eat because your tik doesn’t appetise him?

How do you do it?

How do you spend your profits,

When his mother works extra hard to make him happy but it’s never enough?

When you know that he stole money to satisfy his addiction?

When he hurt other people to feed you?

How do you do it?

How do you have a clear conscience,

When his mother goes through a mental breakdown?

When your tik makes her son act like a mad person?

When he’s no longer the person that we all knew and grew up with?

You are killing our youth and dimming the future that is so bright.