You know for a moment I sit down

Listen to love songs and all I get to think about is you

I don’t know why but you’re always on my mind

You’re the only person I get to think about and smile when ever I’m alone

I know we’re not dating but that means nothing,

The feelings I have for you get to be so undescribable and undefinable

Mina ngyak’thanda and I don’t think I’ll ever unlove you!!

I tried ignoring you for the past few days,weeks or should I say months,but it’s so difficult to ignore a person who makes my life to be easy…

Okayy I must admit that I tried living without you but it’s too difficult and I couldn’t stand the pain anymore that’s why I quickly unblocked and called you..

Impela you’re the one!!eyyyy?ngfuna wenna and wenna wedvwa!

I tried looking for others but they’re all unlike you,to me you’re so unique!boy you’re different.

Wenzanganii Verl?I mean i don’t recall loving a person this much.

I don’t know why but I just can’t forget about you there’s this strong connection between us maybe it’s because of our names

Remember when we first met, i was caught by your voice and my heart captured a pic of your that I’ll never erase.

Lakuwe Ng catch’ile fana haaa

Lomfana guys that’s it,that’s the thing lomfana he’s the one

I want you to know ukuthi I love you,I loved you,I will love you and I’ll never unlove you.

Bitsoo laka