I took one step at the beginning of my journey,
I reached the peak with its weather so fancy,
I came across the old granny
Who only said without any hesitation,
‘The peak of wonders give its inhabitants a great view of the surroundings,however many people have been long complaining about the levels of oxygen even though they are not yet dead’.
I tried to ignore by nodding my head
But my inner agitation marked those words as the motivation I will possess when I age,
Turning downtown to the gentle slope
The world seemed to be blooming brave,
Before moving further,a man from nowhere came
And this time I had to grasp the moral of the story.
This man had to keep it brief as he said ,
‘Many players say,falling on the play ground its better than falling throughout the course of your life’.
Once more I had to poke my ears again and again,
I had many questions before starting my journey
But now I am covered gold like the famous penny,
I am glad I had a story to say,
No matter how much people can influence you
At the end the decision is yours.