unemployment has damaged me alots
everyone in this house treat me like lam nothing ,
Just a piece of paper that flow in the air with no direction
it’s true I had stayed unemployed for 3years hospitalized everyone in this home , do every duty that needed to be done and
l know my nieces might say ‘ lam unemployed I failed life
but to say ‘ indlela ibuzw kwabaphambili to answer your confusion questions, am old enough ,
l have experienced many things and being unemployed does not prove I had no future and dreams
Yes l failed life but I don’t want to loose my nieces and nephews because of ukuziphatha they had no direction,
they have no direction , you guys think life is a game you turn off when you get tired and open it , again when you bored .
Well No !
I think it’s time for me to confess ,
it’s time to acknowledging my nieces and my younger brother’s .
My nephews / nieces now take a seat , seat with me surrounding me ,
I have something to say ‘ listen me attentively.
I will start by saying ; I’ve sip life , life drinken me
II’ve tasted life , life swallowed me.
I’ve swim with big crocodile but l drown
You know friends , yeah I know you have friends to let you know friends they are bad sometimes.
Be aware of them they can mislead you on doing every bad things that can lead you to suffer and uzisole ekungcineni .
Friends can ruined your future too , look enemies that surrounded you .
Cz here in this world they are cruel people,
Here in this earth there are hinders in our way and bad influencer are everywhere do not loose hope , don’t ever get tired by giving up .
To let’s you know bayawona umaya womuntu inside this dlobe and pretend everything is Okey.
” Mandisa” you turning 16 years on this 25 December,
You haven’t taste life like’ your mom
Please beware of boys they can ruined your future and leave you with no future, they have no love but only lust they have.
They are charismatic, playing with words they can make you melted like jelly to them.
If they block you in your way to ask you out , please refuse, just avoid them ,
Be aware of snakes when you gone to fetch woods inside the bush .
Just focus ^ , focus on the camera they brought to us
Act in the way of making film but not fame , now am done with you go on with dishes .
” Sasalakhe ” I think you should stop running to you mom when you had fight with your peers ,
Man up fight for yourself , you don’t know how life changing ,
The creater of this land and its people might end our life when you learn a new habits in your academic years coming because you left with 2 grades to reach in matric.
Please don’t ever forget where you come from,
You know our situation in this home.
Please don’t forget our lesson we planted in your mind; to remind you be well mannered because if you have no respect towards people around the world ,
You have no direction in this world,
Lastly ‘ please take care of your sister’s and brother’s you older than them and you too friends might be your enemy tomorrow be aware and also don’t live life of show off , have a humility , have a respect not a request everyday.
My Children’s of my sisters and brothers in this earth we pretend infront of the enemies , talking with them even they are not chatting with us
Sihleka Nabo besizonda thina
am saying all this words becouse of the pain in my shoulder , l’ve been criticize, you took the advantage of me ; discriminating me and kill my vibe , you guys make me sick .
now get up and continue with your duties follow “
written by L.Mkhwanazii