What can’t you do with power,

You can kill and never get arrested,

You can silence them and no one will ever know,

You can frame them,turn their lives upside down,

And live them with a pathetic life.

You can buy anything,

You can go anywhere,

You might have anyone you want,

But can you buy love,

Power,can you bring warmth.

Can you bring hope to the poor,

Or you only exist for the rich,

Why not live for all?

You can kill but can you reborn,

You can silence them but can you erase their memories,

Don’t you fear retaliation,

Or you think you have all the power,

You can frame them but are you sure you will never be caught.

You are powerful, not only to the rich

But the poor can also use you against the evil,

Because we have,God.

He can take and give life,

Can you?

He can take or give you your voice,

Can you?

He determines whether you live a soft or hard life,

For the time being though,

While you bully us, it’s not because he doesn’t love us that he doesn’t help,

He just wants you to see your self as too powerful,

Before he takes away that power,

And show you are NOT,

But he is…