Honestly I don’t blame them when they commit suicide.
Do you know how it feels,
When pain badly stabs you on the inside.
Do you know it feels,
Explaining yourself knowing for sure its beyond comprehension.
In life capturing only sad memories,
Along with depression
Tell me!! Do you know how it feels,
Not to experience your mothers affection.
Do you know how it feels living your life in affectation.
I have pain that no words can explain.
Do you know how it feels,
When you can’t explain your pain.
Living your life in hope.
Hoping to die with each breath.
Every time you wake up,
All you think about is death.
Because to a hunch of happiness,
All you do is grope.
Do you know how it feels being homeless.
How it feels being useless.
Do you know how it feels being called a burden.
Being made a slave in your parents mansion.
You think you understand my pain.
Fine ! Tell me do you know how all that feels