Dear notepad, thank you for having me 
To write all over your Heart and share 
My thoughts and feelings with you. 
It has been two years now since 
We have been introduced to each other.
We have grown so close to 
Each other in the hands of time, 
Our relationship is like no other as it 
Grows in time.
Dear notepad, thank you for having me all 
These years, and being patient with me. 
I don’t know how I would have made 
It out of my mind if I didn’t have you to 
Assist me with the burden of these thoughts. 
The burden of this human consciousness. 
On most days I get so lost in the smoke 
I can’t even find myself.
But I always have you to help me seek myself. 
To know myself, and eventually love myself. 
Dear notepad, from my heart to yours… 
Thank you.