If dancing in the rain is what you want to do.
Then dance till the skies meet the moon.
And if the feeling of falling raindrops
gently rolling down your cheeks,
is what makes you most happy,
then kick your feet, and jump in all the puddles you like.
Even if there’s no one jumping by your side.
You’re not meant to fit in.
You were not made to squeeze
into every crowd gathering.
You’re meant to grow.
And how can you grow
if you keep cutting down pieces of yourselfโ€“
trimming away the best parts of you,
just to fit into the spaces, everyone runs to.
The moon cannot be compared to a rose.
Nor can a rose be compared to the moon.
For they both hold their own majestic beauty.
Carry your own beauty with sheer proudness.
For the best thing, you can be,
is simply yourself.