December 2019 you were born, with a purpose to kill
They didn’t make a fuss before, but now people panic when they get ill
You were created to destroy, and I gotta say you got skill
Families have one or more less members to join for their evening meal

You came on a single person, on a single plane
Then quickly you divided and conquered, expanding your fame
You make elite soldiers panic just as your name
You take parents from children, and children from parents, you got no shame

COVID the monster, you’re a disaster
Sure light is fast, but you spread even faster
Because of you we have to always wear a mask
Making your antidote is our scientists’ top task
We took your visit for granted, but you decided to stay
Some still deny your existence even though you spread each day

COVID the monster, viruses are living things right?
Meaning you’re alive, so where is your heart
You took countless lives, haven’t you had enough
We are literally at your mercy, even though we act tough
Don’t tell me you’re settling in, like your brother HIV
I’m too young to die so please don’t come for me

COVID the monster, you helped reduce overpopulation
But you overstayed your welcome, we don’t need you in this generation
Christians are saying Bible prophecies are coming true
Our school days are limited, all because of you

Black, white, poor, rich, you don’t care as long as it’s mankind
Young, old, mute, deaf, or even someone that’s blind
Like Hitler you’re ruthless, weapons against you are useless
Please just go, I hope my rhymes get to you
But know you won’t take my future from me as long as the sky’s blue