Every day I dream about something
Every day I want to fulfill something
I tried dancing at the beginning but I didn’t dance hard.
It was so loud that my calling was it
But the first chapter didn’t go well
I had laser but it didn’t work
Now I’ll go faster and see if there is a finish line for me
Hey lee
I ran as fast as castor semenya thought that I would reach what my eyes couldn’t see
I tried to run faster to go higher
But the height is so bright
I couldn’t see the sunshine
Hey I got blind
I was the last one
I demanded dreams in disguise but they were dull as the dough
Clean is what I need to do
I started off messy
Yeah hasty
It was nasty
Start of here !
You hear!
Cause what you dream about is so big and try and practice for your own dreams so you won’t fall