Coronavirus or Covid-19 as it is commonly known is a deadly disease which has stolen the lives of many .This disease is highly contagious and spreads quickly. Social distancing, sanitizing our hands frequently, wearing masks and staying indoors are a few of the many precautions that have to be taken in order for us to lower the risk of us contracting it. Coronavirus symptoms include vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches , sore throat, coughing more frequently than usual, loss of sense of smell and many others. Health practitioner’s such as nurses and doctors are risking their lives on a daily basis just to ensure that their patient’s lives are saved.So many things changed in the year 2020 with the arrival of the new normal, lockdowns were enforced around the whole world. Covid-19 has brought forth pain , discomfort and the loss of life but it has also helped to give our planet the break that it needed. Various parts of the world saw clear skies after decades of air pollution , since travelling was banned many families were forced to stay indoors and rekindle bonds which had been been lost due to their busy work schedules . Coronavirus taught us that we can be together whilst we are apart in these tough times. Coronavirus marked a turning point in our lives and in the history of the world. We are living in a historical revolution , together we can fight this disease by following the health guidelines handed to us by our heroic medical professionals.