I feel defeated and so lost of breathe
I feel sorrow big as France I’m brought
back to the ground again and kicked
The Red emotion has destroyed me again
This time it swallowed me deep deep in
Its mouth I am so amazed that im amazed
at the familiar injection but this time the needle
Pricked me expected but instead of hurting less it hurt less I gave my entire red emotion again
Like a baby bird i wasn’t sure to fly but I gave it a shot once again but I bleed alot my heart has bandages it’s bleeding again and it’s taken over
Sleep is an old friend I haven’t seen in a while
Pain is the new friend back into my life along with
My tears second chance hurts like the first time
I found myself missing the flower i had gotten used to i love so much but that flower doesn’t belong to me funny it seems I thought it did I was happy
To have it with me though it didn’t talk to me
I love the flower so much I thought the flower
Wanted the same thing as me growth it did but not with me it whispered lies into my ears i let it in
I did not think it would have a knife to stab my fragile back i thought it was sincere now I’m crying for it the pain it left the impact i miss the flower I
Love the flower so much but the flower doesn’t love me it never did it waited for it’s owner using me
Now I’m Left with it’s scent , it’s huggs, it’s touch and memories it promised to never turn the other side but it did and left a void in my soul and heart
I have to continue loving it alone and from afar cause it doesn’t need me it went away from me .
Till we meet again i will mourn and mourn your departure gone to soon .
His name was Valentino
The Lost Valentine 🌹
Now uu have my heart keep it close to uu and bring it back safely to me
Love Ladyveli ❤️