Even if I want to be the best man
I will fail doing it on my own
apart from the possibility to stall
in the process my weakness will be shown

Although there’s great power in my ability
I still have to stay motivated
and the ability to motivate myself
gets harder when I become less elated

its not that I don’t want to be the best
or that I make excuses to be weak
I acknowledge in my own strength
I am too frail so to speak

Every man tries to do right
even when acknowledging his wrongs
correcting my errors became my trait
that I cherished my whole life long

I could still thrive to be my best
when my strengths and weakness align
and if could realize that all my strength
comes with having your hand in mine

Darling here’s both my hands
from strength to strength we will go
I will become the greatest man
because your hands helped me grow