Just grow up and stop being,
childish ❤️
Live the life of impressing yourself,
not the life of attracting bad motivaters
Face your fears♥️♥️♥️♥️
Wipe your tears and fight for what,
belongs to you ❤️
Never ever blame someone for your,
Love yourself before giving love to,
Let morons mock you
Just know that you are exquisite,
just the way you are
Trust yourself and just walk in your,
Don’t compete with anyone,
cause you’ll fail
Yeah you are walking and they,
are going with nyc cars but that,
doesn’t mean that you are a failure
Let them say whatever they want,
about you as long as they don’t gain,
anything nevermind
Yeah let them carry on doing their,
unpaid job
Fight for your life
Make yourself jubilant
Appreciate whatever you have
Don’t forget to thank god for sharing,
With you the little he had
Life is a fight
You need to be brilliant and,
have knowledge
Have confidence
Be yourself
Be kind to yourself