Some of these sisters have been hurt

By most guys

I don’t want to be that guy

But most females are so attracted to red flags

Like moths drawn to the light

I’m afraid that my good intentions

might be taken for being a pushover

Would they be welcoming of someone

Who’s genuinely interested in having one partner?

Would my devotion to one partner scare them off?

Would they be accepting of an individual

Who loves like a fool?

Would they believe me enough to know

That when I say my heart is only meant

For them?

Would they be able not to paint me 

With the same brush as their

Previous partners?

Would they be welcoming of an individual

Who’s open to sharing their feelings?

Who’s willing to be vulnerable with their


An individual who doesn’t leave them

Second guessing themselves?

An individual who doesn’t leave them

Asking themselves where they stand?

But good intentioned men are, ”Boring!”

Most females want nothing more than 

To be treated badly by men

It’s the only love language they believe

They deserve

Most females are so attracted to red flags

Like moths drawn to the light

They love being tied to someone

Who makes them smile less

They seem to be addicted to someone

Who gives them more stress

A “Bad boy” is desired more with all

Its crippling characteristics

That always leaves the organ in their chest

In pieces, trying to understand where

They went wrong

Telling themselves, “Maybe I didn’t love him

Hard enough”,

“Maybe I wasn’t sexual enough”

“Maybe he no longer found me beautiful
