I seldom complain about what I feel for some days, some weeks, or even months. At times, I just sleep or do other stuff to distract myself, but when it all catches up with me, I just zone out, or when it is too much— I find myself falling apart.

But I hope you know that I may not be in my best state at times, but I try my hardest to make things right. I know that you may have felt that I don’t acknowledge your existence but you know so well that in every day of our lives, I always appreciate you and I’m always grateful that you’re always there for me.

Sometimes I may not be stable emotionally, but you keep me grounded, even when we’re busy individuals, you make sure to check on me, and I’m thankful for what you’ve been doing. I want you to know that I will always be here for you, as you are for me.

— After all, you’ve been the best part of my story in this lifetime, and you’re always loved.

In the end we’re all alone

In the end we will all be gone

Today I stand alone

Tomorrow I will be gone

Without leaving a clone

In the end we are all alone

As we are destined to radiate and drain

Where do we go then

When there is nowhere left to go?

In the end we are all alone

Battling our demons and anxieties 

In the most hopeless states

Wars we know we will never win

The stars never align in our favor

Not now, not ever

Would you really stay with me

Till the very end

Navigating every crooked bend

Would the vows you are making today

Be your guiding pillar in every way?

In the end we are all alone

As time has always shown

That our hearts are not in the same zone

A heart made of stone 

From all the ridicule and scorn

In the end we are all alone

But your love and care 

Transports me to realms of happiness

As your smile radiates 

Rays of hope for a better future

In the end we are all alone

In the end we will all be gone

But if you keep me close to your heart

If you remember me always 

Then even if I never make it to the end, I will never really be gone.