In a Abandoned Construction Site, Somewhere in Johannesburg.
Mampho: (Crying, while digging)
Joyce: (Digging) Faster Mampho, Faster.
Mampho: (Crying) I’m trying!
Abitha: (walks to Mampho and Joyce) Stop arguing, I think the car lights are too bright. Somebody might see us.
Joyce: Stop thinking Abitha, help us!
Abitha: Well the pit is deep enough, I think you managing just fine.
Joyce: (Shouts) Pick the damn Spade. And dig out right now. We have to get rid of this body?
Mampho: (Digs faster, while crying) It’s all your fault Abitha, you just resurfaced a few days into my life already I’m hiding bodies!
Abitha: Voetsek Mampho, I did not send you. I did not tell you to Confess everything to Christina.
Mampho: (Crying, pauses digging) I was Saving you! You were at gun point. If I did not say anything, I would be now digging this place for you!
Abitha: (Stares at Joyce) You are right. The problem is right in front of us.
Joyce: Don’t give me that look.
Abitha: (points an accusing finger at Joyce) OH.. It’s your fault. Wow. (laughs) Ngwana batho is crying wena you are not even shedding one tear.
Joyce: She is crying because she knows she is the one who killed Christina. She is the reason we are here digging a secret grave for the poor woman!
Abitha: So you are innocent?
Joyce: oh you are defending manyala wakhe Abitha. (throws Abitha with a spade) I can gladly leave without ‘Shedding a tear’ And you will help her dig her problems.
Mampho: (Continues digging)
Joyce: I even forgot, we are here because you had an affair, then you and pinky killed that boy.
Abitha: (takes the spade and starts digging) OK.. Joyce. I will gladly dig out. How about you take out the cements out of the car! Wena imbokodo.
At Busi’s Apartment, She enters the Apartment with Junior holding bags of clothes.
Busi: So.. This is Aunty Busi’s home.
Junior: Why do I no longer stay at Lethabo’s home.
Busi: (Puts the bags on the counter)
Junior: Why?
Busi: (Sighs) That is because, me and mommy are going to meet here. So she is going to find you OK.
Junior: But you are not Mommy’s Friend?
Busi: Hmmm. I am mommy’s friend from back when she was young. She is my best friend. (Goes to close the door)
Junior: Where is your mommy, do you live alone?
Busi: Yes I live alone. Are you hungry?
Junior: Yes, I have not eaten since After School.
Busi: You can go to the TV room, I really Dont have the energy to cook. We will just have to order some Pizza.
Junior: OK. (runs to the TV room)
Busi: (Sighs) This Child and asking too many questions. Anyway, let me order some pizza. (taps her phone).
In Maharaj’s Car. Pinky and Maharaj are having a heated Conversation.
Maharaj: We can’t be taking drastic measures!
Pinky: What was I thinking in the first place. Leaving my son in a strangers home.
Maharaj: This police people are just trying to lure you into giving yourself in.
Pinky: I have to.
Maharaj: Maharaj, think twice. If you go to jail, your child will not live in a strangers house, but your child will be sent to an orphanage.
Pinky: Maharaj, what do we suggest we do?
Maharaj: We must kidnap Junior from the police station.
Pinky: Have you ever heard about anyone being kidnapped in a police station. Do you want cells Maharaj?
Maharaj: No. Do YOU want cells Pinky?
Pinky: No.
Maharaj: Then listening is a skill. Learn to listen.
Pinky: (Screams in rage) Aaaarhg! This all Abitha’s fault. When I get to her, when I see her. I’m going to kill her!
Maharaj: So.. Is it true that she told lies about me to the police?
Pinky: Without blinking an eye!
Maharaj: I think it’s time we went back to where it all started.
At the Abandoned Construction Site, Somewhere. Joyce, Mampho and Abitha are carrying a dead body covered in plastic.
Abitha: (Breathes heavily) She is so heavy. What was her body count.
Joyce: OK. We will throw in her body In 3..2..1
The Three Woman throw the body inside the pit.
Mampho: (Cries heavily) Why mee!
Joyce: (hugs Mampho) I’m sorry.
Abitha: (Sighs) now we have to ta….(She slips and falls into the pit)
Mampho: (let’s go of Joyce) Abitha!
Joyce: (Gasps) Abitha!
Abitha: (Inside the pit) Guys.. I’m. Ok.. (looks at the body) Eeew.. Get me out of here. Eeew.
Joyce: (Stares at Mampho)
Mampho: (Stares at Joyce)
Abitha: No… You can’t do that..
Mampho: (takes the spade) I think it’s about time we buried you alive!
Joyce: (watches at Abitha) Can’t save yourself now?
Abitha: Please.. Don’t do what you are thinking guys.
Mampho: (starts digging out soil and filling up the pit)
Abitha: (Crying) Noooo!
Tell us: Who is your favorite?
Mampho, Detective Busi, Abitha, Maharaj, Van Der Kerk, Pinky, Aus’ Mary, Joyce or Junior?